Don’t miss anything while scrolling.


However ordinary an action scrolling text seems to be - it may be surprising as well. Earlier on, whatever way You prefer to scroll article text, a single scroll has taken You exactly one single screen down- or upwards. This way, however, sometimes You may find Yourself a little bit confused because not always the very first line on the top remains fully visible (which is due to the fact that text can be scrolled virtually to any point of its height, so - for example - it is possible to scroll the text even halfway its top line). In such a case some of us may need to scroll back a little bit in order to check on the last read line of the text.

Now the scrolling itself can be much more convenient, thanks to the new, alternative and optional mode You can use: last line preservation. This feature assures You that whenever You scroll article text - on its very top You'll always see one or a couple of the last lines You've just read. This way You don't need to scroll back anymore in order to check if the text in fact has been scrolled correctly (or to recall its last thought). Just enable the feature (settings › Operation › Page scroll 90%) and enjoy even more convenient reading :) .

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