finally enjoy reading

...enjoy Your Life being distraction-free - and up-to-date with Your interests in the same time. Focus on the Essence...

What is Handy News Reader?

This app lets You both to read the Web in a convenient way and stay up to date with all You are interested into. Gather Your favorite sources of content (RSS channels, regular websites, Google News) and You will be constantly provided with all the new stuff out there. more »

current features

    convenient reading:
  • full articles
    instead of RSS excerpts
  • clean articles
    automatically remove in-article ads and all the other unwanted parts of content (e.g., “related stories” section, about the author, social network sharing buttons...)
  • adjusted to Your lifestyle
    quickly flick through new articles and easily mark the ones to read later - moreover, they can be removed automatically when finished
  • reader-friendly scrolling
    preserve last lines of text while scrolling; 100%-fixed (therefore predictable) scrolling distance
  • adjust brightness level
    by swiping alongside the left edge of the screen
    neat ideas:
  • notification on important articles
    instantaneous notifications on what is important to You, regardless of article order within the reading queue
  • read the Web
    subscribe non-RSS websites; read articles from external apps via Android “Share” feature
    off-line ready:
  • set data caps per single refresh, image max. weight and limit per single article
  • images on demand
    load images only when You want to see them (instead of within all the articles)

finally enjoy reading

...enjoy Your Life being distraction-free - and up-to-date with Your interests in the same time. Focus on the Essence...

upcoming features

Below You’ll find an excerpt of ideas which may (or may not) be implemented in the future. Full list of such features You’ll find on our GitHub page.

latest official ver.: 0.15.12 (October 15, 2020)
latest beta ver.: 0.15.15

    neat ideas:
  • “Hot Stories”
    discover the current trends within all Your feeds discuss on GitHub
  • “Press Review”
    relax and give Yourself not overwhelming doses of carefully composed set of articles = each time You feel like catching up or just diving into the new stuff :)
  • what type of a reader You are?
    get more insight on how do You spend time reading the Web
  • custom categories
    displaying articles matching even multiple keywords discuss on GitHub
  • jQuery-based filters
    target content elements much easier than with regular expressions discuss on GitHub
    other improvements:
  • notification on long inactive feeds
    it will help to maintain Your sources collection free of unnecessary feeds discuss on GitHub
  • estimated reading time discuss on GitHub
  • in-app text translation discuss on GitHub
  • open the app in... discuss on GitHub
  • cloud backup
    either on Google Drive or Your Own server
  • HNR-generated article excerpts
    with customization (custom excerpt length)
  • off-line documentation
  • Handy System Log
    easily check out if anything has been wrong using app’s system log with every action accompanied by a timestamp
  • WebView alternative rendering engine
    on Android 6 and earlier using WebView as a HTML rendering engine may cause in app crash
    look and feel:
  • “Flick Through”
    a special mode for quick article browsing, when You’re actually flicking through headlines to pick the ones for further reading discuss on GitHub
  • CSS-based customization.
    Adjust a bunch of visual details to Your Own preference via simple CSS commands. discuss on GitHub
  • custom themes
    describing appearance of the app itself
  • customized Action Bar and in-article menu
    let it contain only Your most useful actions discuss on GitHub
  • refresh progress bar discuss on GitHub
  • content source indicator
    display the source name while reading; indicate podcasts discuss on GitHub
  • comprehensive error messages
    with non-technical users keeping in mind discuss on GitHub


July 24, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions.

July 08, 2020

Make Articles Cleaner.

April 30, 2020

What is Handy News Reader?

April 28, 2020

Read non-RSS Websites.

April 28, 2020

Convenient Reading.

April 26, 2020

Article Sets and Groups.

April 25, 2020

Available Gestures.

April 24, 2020

Customize the Appearance.

April 23, 2020

Off-Line Ready.

April 22, 2020

If You’d like to share a little bit more thoughts on those, it would be great (it’s not necessary):🔽(click to show)

Are You a developer and would like a website for Your app? Feel free to contact :) !