Custom Font Arrived!


We’re happy to let You know that soon Your HNR may fit Your taste and preference to a significantly higher degree, thanks to incorporating a bunch of custom fonts for You to pick and choose :) . To make this good news even nicer, the font of Your choice will be applied throughout all the app’s GUI, not only article text - so You can enjoy the new look even further :) . We hope that it will make Your Handy News Reader experience surprisingly nicer :) .

Note that while browsing all the available fonts You can instantaneously see how each of them would look in both a regular and bold form.

If You like to dive a little bit deeper into the HNR, You can apply other font-faces to selected parts of articles (on a CSS classes basis).

Another fantastic thing is that You can use Your Own font as well :) - just put a .ttf file into the following location within Your data folder (Advanced › Data folder):


and it should be available on the font list (settings › Theme › Font).


  1. Loving your app. I have a Xiaomi Phone and I am unable to select any font from the list and even after adding my custom font in the folder I cant see it there in the options. Can you help me out?

    1. Sure, I’d like to ask You a few questions:

      1. Could You tell what exact Android and MIUI ver. You have?

      2. When You try to change font - does font name change on the list?

      3. Do You use SD-card?

      4. What do You have set up within Handy’s settings › Advanced › Data folder?

    2. 1. I have MIUI 11.0.2
      2. All the fonts appear on the list, even my custom font, but I cant select any of them. When I click on default font, only it highlights (I can post a gif if needed). So name is not changed
      3. No, I don't have any SD card.
      4. Its set to External Memory (/storage/emulated/0)

    3. Thank You for Your answers, a .gif would be great, please do.


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