Read non-RSS Websites.


Sometimes You may stumble upon other cases: websites which are not equipped with RSS. They will require some more effort to add them to Your “Dream Magazine” - but they are rather rare cases.

Would You like to receive new articles or blog posts from a non-RSS website?

Go to sidebar › + › Add a custom feed or search for one › enter the URL address of a website › check “Web Page – Links” on the bottom and confirm by ✓.

In this mode, however, Handy uses all the links present on a website to locate and download their content (potential articles/posts). Since websites often contain other links as well, the result may require a little bit of refining, which unfortunately has to do with a more complicated stuff, so-called regular expressions. It works like that:

  1. Try to find out whether links to actual articles have any common denominator within their address. For example:
  2. Define a regular expression based on this common denominator. Regarding the example above in which links to actual posts differ only with digits, a regular expression rendering their common denominator may look like this:\/+wall-\d+_\d+
  3. On the sidebar tap a non-RSS website You’ve added.
  4. From the three-dot menu icon in the upper-right corner choose “Delete non-starred” to reset the feed.
  5. Once again pull out the sidebar, long tap on the non-RSS website to enter edit mode.
  6. Switch to “FILTER” tab on the top › + › select “ACCEPT” › enter Your regular expression in the “keyword(s)” field › check “ a regular expression” and “Apply to title of link address” › confirm by “OK”.
  7. Go back to the sidebar, choose the non-RSS website and tap the refresh icon on top to check the results of the adjustments.

You may read a little bit more on regular expression matter here – or You may experiment with it using this site.

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