Customize the Appearance.


Here is how You can adjust Handy News Reader to Your Own visual taste. There are several aspects which already can be customized:

  1. Go to settings › Theme › check Custom colors.
  2. Tap Text and background color to customize the appearance of a single article displayed both on article list and while reading.
  3. Tap Toolbar & buttons color to set one color for both the app’s toolbar (displayed on the top, if not hidden) and in-article buttons (displayed below an article, given they are not hidden).
  4. Go to settings › Article text › check or uncheck Margins
  5. Check or uncheck Justified text.
  6. You can also adjust in-article links by (un)checking Underline links and tapping Link color and background.
  7. Below article text You’ll find a few buttons displayed by default (e.g., “Show original text”, “Reload full text”) – You can change their arrangement or hide them completely – tap Button layout.
  8. Go to settings › Page Header › check Show clock if You’d like to have the current time displayed while reading (on the top right corner). Once checked, two additional options will show up: the ability to adjust the clock’s size and colors.
  9. Check or uncheck Show battery level.
  10. Check Reading progress bar if You’d like to see a visual representation of the reading progress. Once checked, there will be two additional options, allowing You to set the bar’s thickness and color.
  11. Go to settings › Article list › Read articles – to set background and text colors for articles which have been read or opened.

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