Article Sets and Groups.


Handy organizes articles within four main sets (or feeds):

  • Unread – here You’ll find all the articles which You haven’t read or opened yet, all the newly obtained articles, and all articles which You have marked as “unread” by hand.
  • Starred – this is the place for all the articles You (or Your in-app filters) have added to Favorites. Those articles are never removed automatically.
  • Without a feed – this is the place for articles opened via “Read it now” or “Read it later” actions, whether initiated from other app (by Android “Share” feature) or from Handy itself.
  • All articles – this set displays all the articles from all the sets listed above.

Apart from the main sets You can organize Your content sources into custom groups (which are placed below the main sets on the sidebar).

To create a custom group:

Tap a pencil icon on the sidebar, then a folder icon on the top right.

When You add a new content source (a website, a blog, etc.) to Handy, You can ascribe any of the existing groups to it right off the bat – or You can do this later (long tap on the website name on the sidebar to enter its edit mode).

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