Be Notified on Important Articles.


Sometimes there are things about which You’d like to know as soon as they pop up within Your subscriptionsregardless of how many articles You’ve already browsed through. It may be a particular kind of articles – or all the articles from the particular source, which You find a priority over all the rest.

An example of a particular article on which You might want to be notified as soon as it arrives, would be Google Play Store free offers – which usually require a quick action (regarding their time-limited character). In this case it wouldn’t be a good idea just to wait for those posts for their turn to be read (among many others You’ve marked as starred).

Below You’ll find how to address both scenarios: setting up a prioritized notification, whether regarding a single article of a particular kind – or all the articles from a chosen content source. Let’s take a closer look.

Prioritized notification on articles of a particular kind.

You can set it up easily as follows:

  1. Go to settings › Advanced › Global filter.
  2. Check Turn on.
  3. Within Rule text field enter the keywords identifying articles You wanna be informed of on Android notification bar (usually some common phrases used in their titles). Remember that each line represents a single rule – it may consist of a single word or a phrase.
  4. Enter as many rules as You need and confirm by OK.
  5. If You’re using regular expressions - check a regular expression.
  6. Check Apply to title or link address (otherwise it will use article content to determine whether You should be notified – but this may be much less effective in action).
  7. Go back to the app’s main window.

Prioritized notification on all the articles from a chosen content source.

To set it up:

  1. Pull out the sidebar, find the source to which You want to set up a prioritized notification and long-tap on it.
  2. Go to FILTER tab and add a new filter (a “+” sign in the top right).
  3. Set the filter as “Marked as starred”.
  4. In the “keyword(s)” field enter the main domain name of the source. Don’t enter the whole RSS address, just the main domain – so, for example, “” instead of “”.
  5. Check “Apply to URL” and confirm by “Ok”.

From now on every time some important article pop up – You will receive a notification on Android bar. After tapping the notification the article will be displayed.

This feature displays up to three separate notifications (each leading to a particular article). If there will be more than 3 important articles – the notification will lead You to Your whole Favorites set.

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